Düşünceler Hakkında Bilmek C# IStructuralEquatable Temel Özellikleri

comparer IEqualityComparer An object that determines whether the current instance and other are equal.

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Will feeblemind affect the original creature's body when it was cast on it while it was polymorphed and reverted to its original form afterwards?

Does anyone know what happens if you do derece implement iequtalable when using generic collections? 2

I'm amazed that the most important reason is not mentioned here. IEquatable was introduced mainly for structs for two reasons:

comparer IEqualityComparer An object that determines whether the current instance and other are equal.

1 My understanding is that it's used for collection like types, and encapsulates the structural part of the comparison, but leaved the comparison of the elements to a comparer passed in by the user. But I'm not really sure if I really got it.

I've noticed these two interfaces, and several associated classes, have been added in .Kemiksiz 4. They seem a bit superfluous to me; I've read several blogs about them, but I still güç't figure out what sıkıntı they solve that was tricky before .Kemiksiz 4.

Diğer bir ifadeyle, kendi konstrüktif müsavat tanımınızı oluşturabilir ve bu tanımın arabirimi kabul IStructuralEquatable eden bir koleksiyon türüyle kullanılacağını belirtebilirsiniz. Arabirimin iki üyesi vardır: Equals, belirtilen IEqualityComparer bir uygulamayı kullanarak eşitliği sınav fiyat ve GetHashCodeeşit olan nesneler bâtınin aynı katışık kodları döndürür.

In all my years of development and blogging I never thought I would be writing about how amazing a C# struct is, how awesome IEquatable is, and how C# 7 features make implementing all of it mind blowing.

C# IStructuralComparable Determines whether the current collection object precedes, occurs in the same position bey, or follows another object in the sort order.

Now that our struct is immutable the actual issue comes up when you need to compare these values. When I started to write the code to C# IStructuralEquatable nerelerde kullanılıyor fix the bug I just decided that "hey I have the old values, I birey just compare each of them":

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Bunun cihetı rabıta, IStructuralComparable arayüzü, yetişekınızı elan modüler hale getirir ve harf geneını azaltır. Farklı veri gestaltları arasında yapısal katlaştırma emeklemlerini yegâne bir yerde yönetebilir ve kodunuzun hizmetını kolaylaştırabilirsiniz.

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